Slack will never replace email

Slack will never replace email

An open letter to Stewart Butterfield: Why Slack will never replace email
Hello Mr Butterfield,
I’m Dvir Ben Aroya, an entrepreneur who has spent a lot of time thinking about how to improve workplace communications, and now focus on Spike — the first conversational email for teams. However, I must say:
Your goal of replacing email with Slack is in complete conflict with the efficient flow of communication that gets real work done.As-is, Slack’s addictive qualities are making it become the Facebook of work communication — and before it causes more damage to workers’ productivity and well-being, we have to limit its reach. Reader’s response to Slack’s claim to replace email, on Quartz.The best of both worlds — but only the best
The answer is a product designed to take the best of each mode of communication and strip away the bad — from both email and Slack — making sure to bake in efficiency and respect for people’s time at a product level.
