Staging That Scene from ‘Eyes Wide Shut’

Staging That Scene from ‘Eyes Wide Shut’

Eyes Wide Shut was accused of being out of touch at the time, but Kubrick was clearly after something stranger and more captivating. Crucial to the director’s vision is the film’s notorious central sequence, a ritualistic masked ball and orgy that Harford infiltrates on a tip from his piano-playing pal, Nick Nightingale (Todd Field). And as with Kubrick’s earlier The Shining (another initially dismissed film that is now a classic), there have been plenty of conspiracy theories around it, mainly from overzealous viewers connecting the film’s secret society of possibly murderous, mega-wealthy hedonists to all sorts of shadowy organizations allegedly operating in the real world.


Lxss – Fun with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL/LXSS)

Lxss – Fun with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL/LXSS)

For example:

LxServer is a simple Win32 (x64) server that waits for connections over the ADSS Bus from a compatible LXSS client (such as lxclient), and launches (WinExec) any input received as long as it fits within MAX_PATH. If needed, it configures the registry to enable ADSS Bus usage from root LXSS binaries other than the init daemon (see presentation slides), after which an initial reboot will be required. LxClient is a simple Linux (ELF) client that connects over the ADSS Bus to a compatible LXSS server (such as lxserver), and sends whatever the input command line argument is (which is expected to be a Win32 valid path to an executable, or other input that WinExec accepts) to the server.


CS Unplugged: Teaching material for CS using cards, string and crayons

CS Unplugged: Teaching material for CS using cards, string and crayons

CS Unplugged is a collection of free teaching material that teaches Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around. Welcome to the new CS Unplugged! This updated website has unit plans, lesson plans, teaching videos, curriculum integration activities, and programming exercises to plug in the Computer Science concepts they have just learnt unplugged.


Staging That Scene from Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick’s Divisive Final Film

Staging That Scene from Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick’s Divisive Final Film

Eyes Wide Shut was accused of being out of touch at the time, but Kubrick was clearly after something stranger and more captivating. Crucial to the director’s vision is the film’s notorious central sequence, a ritualistic masked ball and orgy that Harford infiltrates on a tip from his piano-playing pal, Nick Nightingale (Todd Field). And as with Kubrick’s earlier The Shining (another initially dismissed film that is now a classic), there have been plenty of conspiracy theories around it, mainly from overzealous viewers connecting the film’s secret society of possibly murderous, mega-wealthy hedonists to all sorts of shadowy organizations allegedly operating in the real world.


A Library Handles a Rare and Deadly Book of Wallpaper Samples (2018)

A Library Handles a Rare and Deadly Book of Wallpaper Samples (2018)

The book is the work of Dr. Robert M. Kedzie, a Union surgeon during the American Civil War and later professor of chemistry at Michigan State Agricultural college (now MSU). Each one is a slim volume, containing few words—just a title page, a short preface, and a note from the Board of Health explaining the purpose of the book and advising librarians not to let children handle it. Before that, says Andrew Lundeen, a staff member at MSU’s Turfgrass Information Center who consults with the library’s Special Collections division, “those wanting to look at the book had to wear special gloves.


Show HN: DICOM Medical Image Parser in Go

Show HN: DICOM Medical Image Parser in Go

This is a (hard-ish) fork of work I did at gradienthealth which built on top of go-dicom–a golang DICOM image parsing library and command line tool. We have been working on this package with the goal of building a full-featured and high-performance dicom parser in Golang with new features and improvements. So far, improvements that have made on top of go-dicom include:

To use this in your golang project, import and then you can use for your parsing needs:

More details about the package can be found in the godoc

A CLI tool that uses this package to parse imagery and metadata out of DICOMs is provided in the package.


Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab Toy (1950-1951)

Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab Toy (1950-1951)

By 1952 the Gilbert Toys American Flyer Trains catalog had replaced the U-238 Atomic Energy Lab with the No. 11 Gilbert Chemistry Atomic Energy Set. Sometime in late 1947, Gilbert’s competitor, the Porter Chemical Company, became the first to produce laboratory kits for children that included an atomic energy component. The atomic energy components of kit No. 10 were “actual specimens of Uranium Ore, “The Story of Atomic Energy,” [and a] Spinthariscope.”


Network Transparency with Wayland

Network Transparency with Wayland

Gray intervals indicate the range of times during which the program is scheduled to run; orange, the time range needed for the to read out the full transfer contents; green, the time range needed for the to send the data transfer; and red, the time spent by worker threads compressing the buffer changed records needed by the following data transfer operation. While this application only updates a single image buffer at a time, for applications which maintain multiple windows, transfer latency can be reduced by writing each window’s buffer change transcript as soon as it is available, instead of bundling everything into a single large transfer. Finally, looking at microsecond-scale details, we can see that during a transfer between matching instances, the receiving program makes a large number of context switches to periodically check for (and one time, handle) new events from either pipes or a connected Wayland compositor or application, and then resume the nonblocking read operation.
