Franz Kafka Agonized over Writer’s Block (2017)

Franz Kafka Agonized over Writer’s Block (2017)

Had Kafka had his way, his friend and fellow writer, Max Brod, would have carried out instructions to burn his unpublished work—including letters and journal entries—upon his death. It seems likely the fastidious, self-absorbed Kafka would have rejected them on their breezy tone alone, but perhaps other less persnickety individuals will find something of use:

If you’re stalled because you lost your way, try the opposite of what you usually do—if you’re a plotter, give your imagination free rein for a day; if you’re a freewriter or a pantser, spend a day creating a list of the next 10 scenes that need to happen. Franz Kafka: An Animated Introduction to His Literary Genius

Ayun Halliday is an author, illustrator, theater maker and Chief Primatologist of the East Village Inky zine, currently appearing onstage in New York City in Paul David Young’s Faust 3.


Life ≠ Alive

Life ≠ Alive

If a ‘new type of physical law’ is indeed necessary to explain life, as we think, and as Schrödinger hinted, then we must radically rethink not only our approach to life, but also to physics. The  ‘laws of life’ should be universal in the same sense that the laws of physics are. If we found dead Martian cats, we will have found life on Mars  
To develop a theory of life, we need to put the meaning that Shannon removed back into information, and, by extension, also into physics.


Risk for Dementia May Increase with Long-Term Use of Certain Medicines

Risk for Dementia May Increase with Long-Term Use of Certain Medicines

The study found a 50 percent increased risk of dementia among people who used a strong anticholinergic drug daily for about three years within that 10-year period. The link between anticholinergic drugs was stronger for people diagnosed with dementia before they turned 80 and in people with vascular dementia compared to people with Alzheimer’s disease, the authors reported. All it shows is that the risk of developing dementia appears to be higher for people who take some of these medications.


GiveCampus (YC S15) Hiring Engineers in DC and SF (Meet Us at YC WaaS Expo)

GiveCampus (YC S15) Hiring Engineers in DC and SF (Meet Us at YC WaaS Expo)

We’re looking for people who are hungry and want to have a huge impact. If any sound like you, please send your resume and a quick note to [email protected] . We’re also always looking to hire amazing people, so if you’re interested in what we’re building and want to be a part of it, please send us a note even if none of the positions below are a perfect fit.


What Is Ergodicity? (2016)

What Is Ergodicity? (2016)

Thus, you obtain two different results: one statistical analysis over the entire ensemble of people at a certain moment in time, and one statistical analysis for one person over a certain period of time. However, if one takes the number of crimes committed by black people in a certain day divided by the total number of black people, and then follows one random-picked black individual over his life, one would not find that, e.g. each month, this individual commits crimes at the same rate as the crime rate determined over the entire ensemble. However, this does not mean that over the course of their lives each individual votes with party A in a% of elections, with B in b% of elections and so on …

A similar problem is faced by scientists in general when they are trying to infer some general statement from various particular experiments.


Real-world dynamic programming: seam carving

Real-world dynamic programming: seam carving

From those pixels, we’ll pick the lowest-energy seam ending at one of those pixels, and add on the current pixel’s energy:
As an edge case, we need to consider what happens when the pixel we’re looking at is along the left or right edge of the image. The subproblems are laid out in a two-dimensional grid, just like the pixels in the original image.As the base case for the recurrence relation shows, the top row of subproblems, corresponding to the top row of the image, can simply be initialized with the individual energy values for those pixels. Start by computing the seam energies of the top row by simply copying over the individual pixel energies at the top = list(pixel_energies[0])Next, loop through the remaining rows of the input, computing the seam energies for each row.


Men’s fertility irreversibly damaged by age of 18 thanks Western junk food diet

Men’s fertility irreversibly damaged by age of 18 thanks Western junk food diet

Male fertility is being irreversibly damaged by a diet of western junk food by the time men reach 18, a study has found. It showed that a diet dominated by fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit is best is for protecting those cells and ensuring healthy levels of sperm. Sperm counts have been declining in recent decades and various studies have pointed to poor diet as a significant cause.


Consumers Are Becoming Wise to Your Nudge

Consumers Are Becoming Wise to Your Nudge

My colleagues and I at Trinity McQueen, an insight consultancy, wondered, was Chris’s reaction exceptional, or would the general public spot a pattern in the way that marketers are using behavioral interventions to influence their behavior? Two thirds of the
British public (65 percent) interpreted examples of scarcity and social proof
claims used by hotel booking websites as sales pressure. In time, prosocial practitioners may be less able to rely on the most heavily used tactics from the commercial domains such as social proof and scarcity messaging.


The Toyota Way

The Toyota Way


The Toyota Way has been called “a system designed to provide the tools for people to continually improve their work”[4] The 14 principles of The Toyota Way are organized in four sections:

The two focal points of the principles are continuous improvement and respect for people. [4] According to Liker, the 14 principles of The Toyota Way are organized in four sections: (1) long-term philosophy, (2) the right process will produce the right results, (3) add value to the organization by developing your people, and (4) continuously solving root problems drives organizational learning. The way the Toyota bureaucratic system is implemented to allow for continuous improvement (kaizen) from the people affected by that system so that any employee may aid in the growth and improvement of the company.


Truths programmers should know about case (2018)

Truths programmers should know about case (2018)

In this post I’m primarily using “uppercase” and “lowercase”, because the Unicode Standard uses those terms when talking about case. But applying case mapping to uppercase doesn’t change it, and applying case mapping to lowercase doesn’t change it, so by definition (3) of case, this character answers “yes” to both “are you uppercase?” This may seem like it would introduce needless confusion, but it means definition (3) works on any sequence of Unicode characters, and allows case mapping algorithms to be simpler (characters that aren’t cased just map to themselves).
