Alarming Decline of Quality Youth Playtime

Alarming Decline of Quality Youth Playtime

I suspect that the hit Netflix show, Stranger Things, resonated with so many adults for one primary reason: it brought them back to the carefree and wonder-filled days of youth back in the 80’s. Another child explains that he only feels normal when he’s playing video games. On summer days, my friends and I would get on our dirt bikes and follow miles of game trails all through the forest and up to the base of the volcanic boulder mountain where we would drop our bikes and climb massive rocks and cliffs until sunset. Today, however, if I were to learn that my young kids had left the house in the early morning by themselves to rock climb, explore the forest and encounter heaven-knows-what out in the woods, I’d probably start hyperventilating. There was a time when I allowed myself to be sucked into video gaming that led me into 3 a.m. video game session when I knew I had to be to work the next day by 8 a.m.
