Structure of recent philosophy (2017)

Structure of recent philosophy (2017)

The Text in the graphic reads like this:

For this map I parsed 55327 papers in philosophy from the Web-Of-Science-Collection. I then labeled the clusters by hand, identifying them by looking at the most frequent words and bigrams in the abstracts, the authors of the most cited works, and the most prolific authors in the field. To give an idea of the contents of each cluster, I added names of the most cited and most prolific authors, identifying the latter by mentioning them with their initials. While the most prolific authors can not always be understood to have shaped the field in a deep fashion, they anchor the clusters in more recent debates, and give me an opportunity to mention more women in the graphic. We can also observe that continental philosophy is a distinct cluster, that seems to split into two halves, but is still well formed, and that it is not that far away from the rest of philosophy, which might serve as a reality check for some debates.
