Fyre Festival Was a Huge Scam. Is Netflix’s Fyre Documentary a Scam, Too?

Fyre Festival Was a Huge Scam. Is Netflix’s Fyre Documentary a Scam, Too?

According to a Netflix spokesman, it was Smith who had initially approached Vice with an idea for a documentary about Fyre Festival in August 2017. Gabrielle Bluestone remains one of the documentary’s executive producers, but Purzycki told Swaigen that Vice was “kind of still involved in this peripheral sense, but Chris’s production company is running the team. So by the time of Netflix’s announcement, the producer list had become dominated by personnel from companies contracted directly by Fyre Festival: The show was run by Matte Projects (Swaigen’s employer, which owned most of the behind-the-scenes footage you see in Fyre) and Jerry Media itself.

Source: newrepublic.com