Vice Media to Reorganize, Lay Off 10 Percent of Staff

Vice Media to Reorganize, Lay Off 10 Percent of Staff

Dubuc, in an October interview with THR, was forthcoming about her plans to reorient Vice for the future and tighten its spending in order to put it on a path to profitability, acknowledging that she was “not going to rule out more” layoffs at the company. Vice last year implemented a hiring freeze and attempted to reduce some of its workforce through attrition but once executives finalized the strategic plan for the year, they made the decision to complete most of the cuts through layoffs. As part of the changes Dubuc laid out for staff on Friday, Vice will restructure its global workforce from one siloed by each international office into one built around its five business priorities going forward: film and TV production unit Studios, its international News team fueled by Vice’s relationship with HBO, the digital business, the TV operation led by Viceland and ad agency Virtue.
