Falling in love with OpenBSD again

Falling in love with OpenBSD again

I found a great blog post that had incredibly detailed instructions on what I needed to do in order to get a freedom-respecting, secure version of Coreboot built and installed on the x230 so I ordered a decent Pamona clip (don’t skimp on this – buy the brand name) and when it showed up, I spent about an hour and half building the image on my Ubuntu 18.10 Thinkpad T480 laptop (don’t ever buy the “S” models unless you hate upgrading things down the road) and flashing it onto the old girl. Once that was in place, it was time to focus on what I needed in order to have a machine that I could use as my daily driver, despite my “impairment” with the Ubuntu workflow. First things first, I needed to do the necessary foo to get my user set up with doas support (I actually aliased doas to sudo on my Ubuntu machine, apparently that was something else I have programmed into my spinal cord – ha!)

Source: functionallyparanoid.com