Flickr says all Creative Commons photos are exempt from picture limits

Flickr says all Creative Commons photos are exempt from picture limits

Back when Flickr first announced that it would be limiting free accounts to just 1,000 pictures, the company announced an exception: while it would be deleting any pictures on accounts over that number, any Creative Commons licensed photos uploaded before the November 1st, 2018 deadline would be allowed to stay. And today, the company announced that it would be making the policy permanent — all Creative Commons photos will be allowed on Flickr for good, regardless of upload date, even on accounts that otherwise would have surpassed the 1,000 picture limit. Creative Commons photos are safe now, no matter when they were uploaded

In light of that change, Flickr is also removing the ability to change licenses on photos on the site in bulk, to make it more difficult for users to just hit a button and circumvent the 1,000 picture limit.
