Google’s brand-new AI ethics board is already falling apart

Google’s brand-new AI ethics board is already falling apart

Of the eight people listed in Google’s initial announcement, one (privacy researcher Alessandro Acquisti) has announced on Twitter that he won’t serve, and two others are the subject of petitions calling for their removal — Kay Coles James, president of the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank, and Dyan Gibbens, CEO of drone company Trumbull Unmanned. Nearly half the board has resigned or is under fire

Google announced their AI ethics board last week, saying the board would “consider some of Google’s most complex challenges that arise under our AI Principles, like facial recognition and fairness in machine learning, providing diverse perspectives to inform our work.” These critics see the unpaid positions as another sign that Google isn’t taking the AI ethics board very seriously, and that the company doesn’t expect members to spend much time on it, either.
