Matrox History: A Computer Graphics Also-Ran’s Second Life

Matrox History: A Computer Graphics Also-Ran’s Second Life

But two decades ago, these two companies had a competitor—and that competitor did something unusual and surprising: The graphics card maker Matrox decided to simply drop out of the market for consumer graphics entirely—a move that seemingly would have sunk any other company. A 40th-anniversary graphic, produced by Matrox’s marketing team in 2016, doesn’t even bother to mention the company’s time in the consumer 3D graphics market, despite the fact it’s likely what the average consumer (admittedly an older consumer) might remember Matrox for. The company’s marketing was never to the level of its hipper competition, and the Matrox Mystique, the company’s first card specifically targeting the gaming market (complete with jester on the box, for some reason), received not-so-great reviews, in part because the card was mostly optimized for 2D performance but just happened to include some 3D capabilities.
