Make School Hard Again. Grade Inflation Needs to Stop

Make School Hard Again. Grade Inflation Needs to Stop

As the conversation around higher ed has increasingly come to focus on inclusivity and maximizing graduation rates, elite universities have reacted by eliminating their core curricula, dumbing down the requirements that remain, or providing so many degree options that a student of average ability at an average school could be placed in most top liberal arts colleges and still survive (albeit, perhaps, in the lowest quartile of his class). Who would more likely win admission to a top school: the wealthy world-traveler with prestigious extracurriculars (and a parent willing to donate a tidy sum to the university’s endowment), or the scrappy straight-A student who spends his summers working for minimum wage to help cover his tuition? The combined SAT verbal and math result for the lowest-scoring student is often comparable to that of the average score at an elite school.
