“Once-in-a-Hundred Year” Sightings of Bamboo Blossoms Reported in Japan

“Once-in-a-Hundred Year” Sightings of Bamboo Blossoms Reported in Japan

While some species of bamboo produce blossoms as often as once every three years, many of them flower at extremely long intervals, between 40 to 80 years. Reports of bamboo blossoms from central to southern Japan have been coming in:

As reported by the Kochi Shimbun newspaper, the Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden learned that its kinmeichiku 金明竹 bamboo, a madake variant with the unwieldy scientific name Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb. A man in Mimata, Miyazaki Prefecture discovered blossoms on bamboo plants (species unknown) growing in his yard, according to a story published by Asahi Shimbun on February 10th.

Source: japan-forward.com