Uber Eats to Test Flying Food to Customers by Drone in San Diego

Uber Eats to Test Flying Food to Customers by Drone in San Diego

Luke Fischer, Uber Elevate’s head of flight operations, said it’s crucial to figure out how drone delivery will work in dense urban environments, where 68% of the world’s population is expected to live by 2050, with few easy access points like suburban backyards. “We don’t need to get drones direct to our customer, we just have to get it close,” he said Wednesday at the Uber Elevate conference in Washington, D.C.
Uber made a few initial test deliveries last month, going beyond visual line of sight from a McDonald’s to the campus of San Diego State University using an off-the-shelf AR200 drone. The drone delivery pilot program will expand beyond McDonald’s to other Uber Eats restaurant partners, including local favorite Juniper Ivy.

Source: www.forbes.com