Which Has More Sales: a Single Long Checkout Form or a Multi-Step One?

Which Has More Sales: a Single Long Checkout Form or a Multi-Step One?

Here’s a test trying to solve the issue… namely using a multi-page approach versus an accordion approach:

The result: Version B (the accordion) recorded a 29.1% Relative Decrease in Conversions (99% LoC)

This might seem like bad news for accordions… or single page tactics… but actually, it isn’t. I have, however, have seen this type of adjustment increase performance, but not in the checkout process itself, but in terms of eliminating that cart review step:

The result? 28.6% relative increase in conversion (95% LoC)

And I have personally run two tests with two different ecomm companies (one B2C, one B2B) where cleaning up the whole account creation process (easing the friction / requirements in it) did produce statistically significant increases in conversion.

Source: capitalandgrowth.org