WireGuard for Windows Pre-Alpha Is Available

WireGuard for Windows Pre-Alpha Is Available

WireGuard requires Linux ≥3.10, with the following configuration options, which are likely already configured in your kernel, especially if you’re installing via distribution packages, above. For enabling the above options, select these items in :

When building as an out of tree module, it is probable that one needs set as well. Rather than building as an external module, if you would like to build WireGuard as a module or as built-in, directly from within the kernel tree, you may use the script which creates a patch for adding WireGuard directly to the tree or the script which links the WireGuard source directory into the kernel tree:

Then you will be able to configure these options directly:

These are selectable easily via , if and are also selected:

Source: www.wireguard.com